Discussions about teaching media literacy in the classroom

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shot Analysis of the Skittles Singing Rabbit commercial

Shot Description
Shot Analysis
Shot 1: Establishing Shot of two people standing in a backyard. This shot sets the scene of the commercial.
Shot 2: Medium Shot of the 1st man holding and lovingly petting a singing rabbit.This shot puts the rabbit at the center of attention for the commercial.
Shot 3: Medium Shot of the 2nd man looking at the 1st man and the singing rabbit while holding a bag a skittles.This shot establishes that both men have brought something to their meeting and shows relationship of the two men being based on a form of exchange.

Shot 4: Close up of the bag of skittles being held up by the 2nd man as an offer.
Here the skittles act as a form of payment and the close up of the candy shows it's importance to the story.

Shot 5: Medium Shot of 1st man giving the 2nd man the rabbit.
This shot shows the 1st man accepted the offer

Shot 6: Close up of the bag of skittles and rabbit being exchanged.
This close up establishes the importance of the exchange - skittles being a payment for a singing rabbit.
Shot 7: Medium shot of the 2nd man with his new singing rabbit smiling
and the 1st man looking at his bag of skittles and then departing.
This shot demonstrates the separation of the men as they both have what they wanted. The essence of their relationship is gone (the exchange) so they depart.

Shot 8: Long shot of 2nd man sitting on his bed at night during a thunderstorm with the sound of the singing rabbit.
This shot shows a sense of discomfort and despair being felt by the 2nd man as the shot is far away.
Shot 9: Crab shot from left to right of the singing rabbit in the its cage.This shot suggests the disturbing effect the rabbit is having as the camera brings the singing rabbit fully into the shot.

Shot 10: Close up of 2nd man with rabbit blurred in the foreground.The man is staring at singing rabbit.
This shot confirms the disturbance the rabbit is causing the man as the close up shows the expression on his face.

Shot 11: Following pan of Man running in the rain with his singing rabbit.
This suggests the man is fed up with the singing rabbit because he is running the the rain at night with no umbrella or rain coat. He needed to take immediate action
Shot 12: Long shot of the man with his rabbit running up to a house.The long shot shows the disconnection the man is now feeling with the rabbit, but also establishes some sort of new connection with the house.

Shot 13: Medium close up of 1st man sitting in his living room with his
skittles bag with from the 2nd man's point of view with the singing
This shows the new connection of the 2nd man to the bag of skittles he originally gave up. Looking into the house shows the 2nd man's desire to exchange again, but his original payment is being consumed showing no chance of a return for his purchase.

Shot 14: Close up of 2nd man's face longingly looking into the house with the man with the skittles.
This shows the man's desire to exchange and realization that he could have eaten that bag of skittles instead of dealing with the singing rabbit.

Shot 15: Close up of rabbit in 2nd man's arms. The rabbit bites the man's arm.
This close up brings the rabbit back into the center of the commercial and shows the climax of the commercial when he bites the man's arm.
Shot 16: Long shot of rabbit running away in the rain.This shot shows the rabbit now being completely disconnected between both men as he runs away.
Shot 17: Track out of man standing by the window holding his bit arm and looking into the window.This shows the man's own disconnection as he no longer has his rabbit or his bag of skittles. Looking into the window, he longs to have the skittles back.
Shot 18: Bag of Skittles with "Treasure the Rainbow" and "Taste the Rainbow"
This shot simply shows the a bag of skittles with the phrases to show the consumer to "treasure" their Skittles.

See the commercial here:

CI 5472 Teaching Film, Television and Media Studies
By Abigail N.

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